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Interesting Apps!

With many schools having adopted personal learning devices into their mainstream teaching and learning over the last number of years, we decided that it might be interesting to look into what apps are out there for our subjects and pull together a list where they might all be displayed. Below are a few that have been selected to be featured. Do you know of any other interesting subject related apps? Why not get in contact and let us know? Send an email via or use the Contact Form above. Over the next few months we will be adding to the list, hopefully with lots more apps suggested by members! Any updates to the list will be posted here in the news section.

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Interactive Four-Stroke Engine

This app shows a 3D working model of a 4 stroke 4 cylinder in-line engine. The user can speed up and slow down the rate rotation. When the parts are clicked on/ touched they highlight the names. [Thanks to Anthony Carty for suggesting this app]

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Plastic Guide

This app details properties of various plastics giving concrete examples of everyday objects that are made from these materials. Users can also look at videos and animations of all the most common polymer processing methods. [Thanks to David Murray and Joe McGrath for suggesting this app]

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AutoDesk 123D Suite of Apps

This is not really an app but a suite of apps, all free though, available as Android, Apple and also with a desktop app version. You will need an Autodesk account, again free. Some really interesting apps here, such as:

123D Make which slices a 3D Model into slot-able and stackable 2D designs, perfect for routers and lasercutters.

123D Catch uses a number of pictures to stitch together a mesh model and create a 3D Scan which can then be saved as an STL file and printed using a 3D printer.

123D Circuits allows users to create simple electronic simulations as well as far more complex simulations of control technology using Ardunio.

All available from

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D & T App

The Design and Technology application provides students with a new way to learn, work and prepare for tests and exams in many areas of Design and Technology. An app designed for the UK market, it is designed for GCSE students but there is some curricular crossover. This App costs €2.99

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