The Engineering Technology Teachers' Association (E.T.T.A.) would like to welcome everyone to our website. The purpose of the site is to provide useful reference material, information and support for teachers and students and to promote the subjects of Engineering, Design and Communication Graphics and Technology.
If you are a member already, click on the Login/ Sign Up button above, and register your details. A member of the executive will check your details against the membership records of the association and you will be allowed to access all areas of the website promptly.
If your email address does not reflect your name, e.g. worldsgreatsestteacher@etb.ie please use the Contact Us section the website to let a member of the executive know your name and email address.
If you are new to the E.T.T.A. Click on the Join Us button and you can join us by filling in our digital form.
Should you encounter any difficulties in any of the above simply use the Contact Us section of the website to get in touch.
About us
The Engineering Technology Teachers' Association (E.T.T.A.) is a voluntary administered association representing teachers of Engineering, Technology and Design and Communication Graphics (D.C.G.). Founded in 1983 by Engineering Teachers in an effort to collectively promote Engineering in education in Ireland. With current membership of over 300 members we continue to support teachers and students in what is a time of immense change in the Irish education system.
Aims of the E.T.T.A.
To improve standards and performance within Technology Education by providing members with opportunities and materials for professional growth, (through the exchange of information and knowledge in the field and related areas).
To keep members up to date on the latest issues, technologies, health and safety best practice, and legislative developments relavant to the teaching of our subjects
To represent members' interest by speaking with a strong unified voice on relevant issues.
To provide national leadership and opportunities to influence policy and direction in Technology Education.
To raise public awareness and understanding of the contribution of Engineering and Technology education has on our society.